Kamis, 02 April 2015

Musical Instruments Saluang Of Minangkabau

Indonesia is rich in art and traditional culture that stretches from Sabang to Merauke. One of them is the art Saluang. Saluang is a traditional musical instrument originating from the Minangkabau of West Sumatra kabau. Saluang itself is derived from the word sa-lu-ang meaning seruas, because saluang instrument made of bamboo, the mean seruas bamboo or gutters. Saluang itself differently in each in Amusing kabau, and saluang itself was named according to where it came from saluang itself, as there are named saluang darek which means saluang from areas darek western Sumatra, then there saluang pauah derived from pauah area of West Sumatra and so on.. Made from pieces of bamboo tree selection, diameter approximately 2-3 cm with a length of approximately 90 cm. The shape is similar to a flute or flute, it's just that the base piece of bamboo tree is not closed like a flute or flutes in general, aka tip and base perforated.
How To Play Saluang 
The main thing in this play an saluang is blowing and breathe simultaneously, so the blower saluang can play the instrument from the beginning of the end of the song without breaking (circular breathing). Technique called manyisiahango can now ruled by a continuous exercise. Do not forget to blow from the top of which has been in the Sharpen or in custom so comfortable and easy to adjust the position of the mouth with the tip position saluang be on the side of the lip. Moreover, the distinctiveness and uniqueness of this instrument are in the style of play saluang different. Each region has its own way in Minangkabau in saluang blow. Each village in Minangkabau developed its own way of blowing saluang. This is why the diversity of styles and play saluang blow. Singgalang, Pariaman, Solana Salayo, Koto Tuo, Suayan and Pauah is the name of the style name in the area at the same time blowing saluang. Singgalang style is considered quite difficult played by beginners, and usually Singgalang tone is played at the beginning of the song. Ratok Solok of the region most stylish Solana be sad in the ear.

Saluang types that can be said of death, comes from the Payakumbuah, nuanced magic, as an introduction to magic, colored sang lyrical magic, known as Saluang sirompak, rompak Derived from the word, which means forced. Basirompak is an attempt to force the inner person with the help of supernatural powers in order to placate those who rob. This ritual is performed by a handler (artisan sirompak) assisted by a blower and a handyman saluang sirompak Soga. The handler assigned singing mantras and play a top (gasiang tangkurak) as part of which is made from pieces of a human skull.
Intensification of this ritual performed by the media Saluang, that is known as Basirompak, arts related activities shamanistic ritual or magic song. When a man insulted and humiliated by a woman who is favored by the man, then the man ask the demons with the help of the shaman through sirompak. Thus, it is insulting women so crazy about him and it's hard to forget the mans. Other saluang basirompak, another saluang darek. Darek means inland, so Saluang Darek is Saluang which is derived originally from the village of Amusing. Darek saluang is often used in many current appearance, which usually collaborated with contemporary music. Saluang darek and sang almost inseparable. Generally, this kind saluang used as an accompaniment sang bagurau. 
Usually this sirompak Saluang rarely played a show in public places, until now the existence of this type of saluang still preserved. Many people from around the world to learn, especially from continental Europe such as the Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Belgium. Due to master it requires a long time. Usually to be able to blow it alone, it takes about one year, which is accompanied by learning breathing techniques. This is what makes having its own allure.