Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Musical Instruments Angklung of Bandung West Java

Traditional musical instrument Angklung explanation derived from the Sundanese people of West Java. Angklung is a musical instrument double pitched are made of bamboo. How to play it quite easy just to swing. The resulting sound is caused by the clash of bamboo pipe body. The resulting sound vibrates in the composition of tones 2, 3, up to 4 tones in any size, large or small.

Dictionary of the Sunda Language by Jonathan Rigg, which was published in 1862 in Batavia, wrote that Angklung is a musical instrument made of bamboo pipes, cut edges, resembling the pipes in an organ, and tied together in a frame, vibrated to produce sound. Angklung is listed as Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO since November 2010.

Have not found the manual states since when angklung is used, but is thought to have been used in the form of primitive Neolithic culture that flourished in the archipelago until the beginning of the modern calendar, so angklung is part of the relics of the pre-Hinduism in the culture of the archipelago.

Notes on new emerging angklung refer to the Kingdom of Sunda (12th century until the 16th century). The origin of the creation of bamboo music, such as angklung based worldview Sundanese agrarian society with the source of life of rice (bitter melon) as a staple food. This gave rise to the myth of confidence in Sri Pohaci Nual as a symbol of the goddess of rice giver of life. Baduy, which is a native Sundanese people, using angklung as part of ritual began planting rice.

Bamboo is used as the material is bamboo angklung is black (awi wulung) and white bamboo (awi friend). Each tone of the sound produced from bamboo tube-shaped bamboo slats each segment of small to large.

The kingdom of Sunda, angklung used them as encouragement in battle. Angklung as the pumping function spirit of the people still felt until the colonial period, thats why the Dutch government had banned the public use of angklung, the ban could make angklung popularity declined and only played by children at that time.

Furthermore, songs offerings to Dewi Sri is accompanied by the sound of percussion accompaniment made of bamboo sticks are packed simple then was born the structure of bamboo musical instrument we know today named angklung. Similarly, during the harvest festival and Seren Taun dedicated game angklung. Especially in the presentation ceremony Angklung related to rice, this art into a nature show procession or helaran, even in some places into the motorcade Rengkong and Dongdang and jampana (stretchers food) and so on.
How to play angklung quite practically easy as staying holding frame on one hand (usually the left hand) so angklung hang freely, while the other hand (usually the right hand) shake up reads. In this case, there are three basic techniques to shake angklung:

  1. Kurulung (shakes), is the most common technique used, where the right hand holding the tube base and moving from side to side several times during the tone to be played.
  2. Centok (jerky), is a technique whereby a basic tube is pulled quickly by the fingers into the palm of the right hand, so angklung will beep once (staccato).
  3. Tengkep, much like kurulung but one vibrating tube is not retained. In Angklung melody, this technique causes the angklung mengeluarka pure tone (one tone melody only, not two as usual). Meanwhile the major accompaniment angklung, this technique is used to play a major chord (3 tonnes), because if not ditengkep that termainkan is dominant chord septim (4 tonnes). Meanwhile to play angklung unit to bring a song, it will take a lot of musicians, led by a conductor. On each musician will be distributed one to four angklung with different tones. That is a brief description of traditional angklung musical instrument from West Java.