Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Pareret Traditional Musical Instruments of Bali

Pereret is a kind of ancient musical instrument trumpet made of wood shaped in such a way that it becomes a trumpet. Compassionate-compassion is in order-order (pellets) while dating is a viable partner as husband or wife. Pereret including one traditional Balinese musical instrument types of trumpets made of carved wood in such a way that it becomes like a trumpet. While Loving-compassion is witchcraft (pellets).

Musical instrument played by blowing is derived from Jembrana Bali. This instrument is usually used to accompany Sewo Gatti art is art that is similar to the art Arja. Usually these tools are often used by a virgin to enchant a girl who loved her, and then play it at night on a high tree, so that his voice could be heard chanting melodious voice from a distance of approximately one kilometer. Prior to use, the device must first be filled with supernatural powers by Jury Balian (Shaman) by giving the sacred offerings dedicated to Trance Pasupati. Quite unique and a little creepy this instrument. But thats one of the sources of wealth of cultures in our beloved country. 

Development of cultural arts community that is in the region of West Bali Jembrana district in the form of art "Sewo Gatti" in the form of art that resemble art Arja in Bali, only a difference if Sewo art Gatti all the dancers in a sitting position. Art Sewo this Gatti very interesting staging accompanied by a set of instruments that one of them is Pereret. 

How to use this Pereret is to blow the instrument so out sound very melodious and enchanting. This Pereret only in Jembrana, namely in the area of West Bali. Uniquely pereret can be used as a means of loving-loving or make a girl crazy so she can fall in love with a man who uses the Pereret. So that it can be used as a pereret-loving compassion, then the first pereret filled magical powers by Jury Balian (Shaman) by providing sacred offerings. 

How to get a mate with loving-loving pereret are as follows : 

Usually wearing pereret-loving compassion is a virgin that men who are single, and rang the pereret is done in the evening around 20: 00 Central Indonesian Time above the tall trees that can be heard faintly tunable from great distances because of power pereret sound range at night can reach a distance of approximately one kilometer especially pronounced from a higher place. Concentration pereret sound is sent to the girl he loves, so that every voice heard pereret the girl would not be able to sleep restless and always imagine the virgin. 

So that the hose is not long that only takes one month then the girl of the dream could fall in love despite the girl previously had no love at all with the bearer pereret man, but because of the power of loving-loving girl pereret hence could not control myself because his mind is concentrated only on the virgin is that in the end the girl he loves can be made wife. Loving-Mercy Pereret this is a very powerful tool used to put a curse on her because if she was not so married to the man so that she could be crazy. 

Compassionate Pereret-Mercy is very rarely used by the virgin, except in circumstances such as very forced the girl likes to insult men, degrading men, so men especially a virgin it can take a shortcut by using all means including pereret loving-compassionate use to conquer the girl who insulted and last up to be a wife. 

Similarly, on the strength of the wonders of the pereret loving-loving heritage and until now is still there and the sacred.