Sabtu, 14 Maret 2015

Saron Traditional Musical Instruments Of Java

Sharon is a Javanese gamelan music instrument support which is divided into three types, namely saron demung, saron ricik, and saron successor/howl. As in the majority of the gamelan music, saron also played by being hit. Sharon himself a music instrument in the form of a thick slab placed on a timber has a cavity. Each finished hitting, the slab must be held that the generated sound stops and does not interfere with the next pitch. Saron successor battering different from the other two. Hitter saron smaller successor to the other end of the taper, while the other two have a big bat. How to play any different. Sharon demung and saron ricik play a tone by being hit each one, but saron successor played by being hit twice each tone so that it has a higher difficulty. Sharon is a traditional musical instrument developed in Java.

Saron ricik also called, is one of the gamelan instruments including balungan family. In one set of gamelan usually have 4 saron, and all have a version pelog and slendro. Saron produce tones an octave higher than demung, with a smaller physical size. Percussion saron usually made of wood, with a shape like a hammer.

Sharon is one of the kinds of traditional musical instrument called Balungan, Balungan itself consists of four instruments, namely:
  1. Demung: These devices are large and middle beroktaf. Balungan demung play the piece in a limited area. Typically, a device having one or two gamelan demung. But there are gamelan in the palace which has more than two demung.
  2. Sharon: This tool beroktaf medium and high. As demung, Sharon plays balungan in a limited area. In wasp engineering trade-in return, two intertwined saron played fast tempo. A set of gamelan has two Saron, but there are gamelan that have more than two saron.
  3. Peking: saron form the smallest and highest beroktaf. Saron panerus or howl plays wasp duplicate or quadruplicate balungan song.
  4. Slenthem: ccording to construction, including family slenthem gender; sometimes he even called panembung gender. But slenthem have as many blades saron blades; It was lowest in the group beroktaf saron instruments (balungan). As demung and saron barung balungan slenthem played in a limited area. Slenthem is one of the gamelan instruments consisting of thin sheet metal width strung with rope and stretched over the tubes and produce a low hum or echo that follows saron tone, ricik, and balungan when beaten. As with the other instruments in a set of gamelan, slenthem certainly have slendro version and version pelog. Wilahan Slenthem Pelog generally have a range of tones C to B, while slenthem slendro has a range of tones C, D, E, G, A, C '.

    How to beat Sharon is by swinging the bat right hand and left hand do "patet", ie to withstand the vibrations that occur in the sheet metal. In beating slenthem more needed instincts or feelings of the musicians to produce an echo or hum good shape. In the notation C, D, E, G for example, echoes produced when beating tone C should disappear just when the tone sounded D, and so on.
    For penabuhan tempo, which used the same way as it does when using balungan, ricik, and saron. However, for certain circumstances such demung returns, then slenthem played to fill the void between the tones that sounded slow balungan by beating the double knock balungan. Or it could be in the condition to be beating a half times slenthem there balungan because balungan being beaten quickly, for example when the piece Gangsaran.

    History of Musical Instruments Saron

    Demung, Saron, and Peking is one of the gamelan instruments including balungan family.. The shape of the three is the same instrument. The third difference is the instrument on its size. Demung large, medium-sized saron, and howl sized kecil.Pada Saron or ricik which is usually called, is one of the gamelan instruments including balungan family. In one set of gamelan usually have 4 saron, and all have a version pelog and slendro. Saron produce tones an octave higher than demung, with a smaller physical size. Percussion saron usually made of wood, with a shape like a hammer.
    Same with demung and saron, at howl produce octave higher than saron, with a smaller physical size.