Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Indonesian Traditional Music

Traditional music is music or sound art from different regions, in this case in Indonesia. Traditional music is music that was born and developed in a particular area and passed down through generations from one generation to the next. Music is the language, style, and typical local tradition. In general, traditional music is characterized as follows: 

Learned In Oral 
As part of the culture, folk music passed down from generation to generation. This musical inheritance process is usually done verbally. The older generation teaches music composition area to the younger generation. The children will also forward it to their children. And so on, so that the music tradition still known by the public. Or a person who has been adept at playing a musical instrument or sing skilled folk songs will give an example to his followers for later imitated. People who learn to be memorized without any notes. With practice, it will dominate more and more songs and techniques.
Do not Have Notation 

The learning process that takes place verbally make the score (manuscript music) into something that is not too important. Therefore, it is quite common for traditional music notation area does not have a specific scores. However, there are some areas that have musical notation as in Java and Bali. However, this still does not have a notation scores, but learned orally. Actually, it can cause problems in the future. If the people who are learning about the arts to be little or no, the arts could become extinct. Without written records, other people can not preserve it.
Informal nature 

Traditional music is very commonly used as a form of public expression. This music is widely used in the activities of ordinary people that are more simple and informal/casual. Only if used in the palace with this kind of music became more complex and formal/serious. 

No Players Specialised 
The system developed in the process of learning a musical instrument usually generalization area. Traditional music players learn to be able to play every instrument that exists in a kind of folk music. They will learn to play instruments ranging from the easiest to the most difficult. So, players who have advanced regional music has the ability to play all the musical instruments.
Regional Speak song lyric 

In addition to the use of vernacular poetry, traditional music also uses melody and rhythm that showed the hallmark of regionalism. For example, the lyrics of Java. Strains of the melody was using tones of scales pelog and slendro. As another example, the lyrics of the Jakarta area generally speaking Batavia and strains of melody composed of ladder-diatonic scales. 

More Engaging Local Musical Instruments 
Generally, the game music in the folk songs sung in Indonesian musical instruments typical of the regions themselves. Example, Java-track songs are generally accompanied by musical instruments typical of Java, namely gamelan. As another example, songs North Sulawesi region generally accompanied by musical instruments typical of North Sulawesi, namely Kulintang. 

Is Part Of The Cultural Society 
Traditional music is a form of culture that developed in the life of society. Therefore, every feature of the public culture of his creator must have been firmly attached therein. Folk music is a form of cultural overview of an area, in addition to dance, clothing, and other customs. Through local music, we can identify the origin and characteristics of the music culture of the people. For example: when we listen to the Javanese gamelan we will immediately find out if it is the music of Central Java, instead of Sunda. We can recognize through the gamelan game characters, especially through sound, rhythm, and song. This character that illustrate typical of traditional Javanese. One example is the music that is commonly heard Javanese gamelan was playing a smooth and soft. This shows Javanese culture that emphasizes speech smooth, friendly, and courteous. 

From the definition and characteristics of the traditional music, we can infer that the traditional music tends to be exclusive. That is, this music can not be widely enjoyed by people outside the culture that gave birth to the music. Composition, function, value, and the characteristics of the music lyric tradition is typical of a society that is not easy to be enjoyed or received as part of other people cultures. Therefore, traditional music tend to be less able to evolve so that this music is often referred to as traditional music.