Rabu, 11 Maret 2015

Karinding Is a Traditional Musical Instrument of Bandung City

Karinding is a traditional musical instrument made of Sundanese community kawung fronds (palm tree trunks), and Awi (bamboo). A musical instrument which is supposedly old enough as a tool that has been used ancestor (parent) since the days before the discovery Kacapi, the age of the harp itself has reached more than five hundred years ago. This tool is estimated to have been older than 600 years and there is no mention that this tool has been used since ancient times used around the megalithic era. Karinding itself not only in Tatar Sunda, even in Bali, there are the so-called Genggong, Tung if in Borneo which is basically karinding well. And it turns out karinding not only found in West Java and several regions in Indonesia, but in some countries there is another party, but the manufacturers name and different materials. Such as musical instruments or xomits juliab dali Tibet from the Mongols. 

How to Play Karinding 
Karinding played by taped her mouth and lapped edges. Vibration between the Karinding and mouth combined with air from the mouth produces an unusual sound. More unique then again, this karinding has a distinctive voice. If F O F, D yes D karinding standard size is 10 cm long and 2 cm wide.
Developments karinding. 

Karinding As a Means of Midges 
This instrument is played earlier times. played at night by people while waiting for his farm in the woods or on the hills, and mutual berhunungan between the hill and the other hills. Turns karinding instrument not only as a means to repel deserted at night but also serves to repel pests. The sound produced by the instrument karinding make rice pests at bay as painful for these pests. 

Why Karinding Able to Produce a Sound That Can Repel Pests? 
The sound produced in the form of vibrations that are not so clearly audible to the human ear, the science of sound, the sound is entered into the category of low decibel noise, that this vibration can only be heard by the type of animal and insect types, supposedly this is what is known now as the ultrasound. 

Karinding As Traditional Musical Instruments 
At first because of the sound of each karinding blown by the people in ancient times had a unique voice vote. So that when played simultaneously to form a catchy music. Especially when played with other traditional musical instruments such as the angklung, harp and others. The sound produced Karinding magical memorable, especially when heard the lonely nights. Therefore, in antiquity karinding often used for ceremonies and rituals of traditional customs. And sometimes when the king came or wedding welcome. 

Karinding As Modern Instruments 
Along the development, musical instruments karinding start forgotten. The existence karinding probably not many know. Although she has been exceeded, but the form and his voice is still fairly new for the Sundanese people in general. But that all changed when a group of young people in the city of Bandung tried to introduce this instrument back to the society. As an example of local music duo group called Karinding attack. Karinding Attack is led by artist named Mans body. Mans body was cursed him after reading the article entitled karinding have become extinct. Then together with his friend and fellow musician musicians Karinding, Mans body was formed Karinding Attack. "Karinding Attack" appeared as a musical group socializing karinding musical instruments and bring new colors on this traditional music. Kerinding Attack unite Karinding music with rock music or rock because Most young city of Bandung like rock music. So they thought to socialize karinding with rock music. 

So the old impression on the instrument itself fade away. In fact, sometimes Karinding Attack collaborate karinding music with other music. Such as Jazz, Pop, Malay, Dangdut even rap. Their efforts were not in vain, the result comes the karinding communities in the city of Bandung. There are only made karinding as a hobby or even make bands similar to Karinding Attack. Not only in Bandung, even music group karinding was up to Japan. In Japan there is a community that is Community Karinding Japan (KOKAR). This community collaborate, Karinding, zither, Kalimba (musical instrument originating from southern Africa) and distilled kacapi equipped with manacle. 

Not bear responsibility, the groups music makes the audience at one of the international events held in the Japanese UNICEF amazed. No lag, other local musicians duo also modify karinding so easy to play that Karinding Team. As the name implies Karinding Team played by way touched by a finger. Karinding Team is karinding modified Mr Asep Nata, which incidentally is one Karawitan Lecturer at STSI Bandung. Karinding Team result of this modification has the advantage of already having scales, pentatonic and diatonic either (do-re-mi-pa-so-la-si-do, da mi na ti la da). Even apart from that no application plays karinding in Apple Store. In addition, several high schools in the city of Bandung.